19th Society and Materials (SAM) International Conference

We proudly present the following confirmed Keynote speakers (data to be set when the first program draft is available)
Stefan Pauliuk, University of Freiburg, Germany
Towards a Corridor for the Sustainable Use of Materials – Insights from Industrial Ecology Research
Stefan Pauliuk is an expert for method development to assess sustainable development strategies. His work includes supply chain analysis, scenario modelling for sustainable material futures, and indicator development for resource efficiency and circular economy strategies. Together with colleagues he estimated current in-use stocks of steel and developed scenarios for material efficiency in the future steel cycle that show the substantial greenhouse gas emissions mitigation potential of material efficiency. He is professor for sustainable material and energy flow management at the Faculty for Environment and Natural Resources, University of Freiburg, Germany, where he leads the research group “Industrial Ecology Freiburg”.
Other keynote speakers will be announced soon.